Puffin Dream (UK)

Référence produit LIV022022-UK-1
Catégorie : Livre | ‹‹ Page précédente

This beautiful naturalist and scientific book is a magnificent declaration of love for the small, colourful bird threatened with extinction. The result of nine years of fieldwork and four years of writing, it offers a detailed portrait of the …

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En stock: 1992

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This beautiful naturalist and scientific book is a magnificent declaration of love for the small, colourful bird threatened with extinction. The result of nine years of fieldwork and four years of writing, it offers a detailed portrait of the puffin, enhanced by the author’s moving photographs.

« Puffin dream » goes far beyond the photographic book complemented with narratives. First and foremost it is the timeless and unprecedented human covenant between a naturalist photographer and prominent scientists.

This work of art highlights all the research works carried out in the colonies around the world and reveals itself as a tribute to the men and women who are devoting their lives to the species.

More than six years of field survey and three years of writing were dedicated to the successful completion of the project.

« Puffin dream » was born from a dream.

The dream to go on enjoying the company of the lovely clown of the seas in the years to come. It is slowly, inexorably and silently disappearing. We must not disregard the fact any longer. Its vulnerability is explained through the opinion of prominent specialists who classified the Puffin as a species in the « danger of extinction ». Global warming and many other issues related to it are contributing to this phenomenon.

My fear to see it become extinct and my concerns about the evolution of our world made me aware that it was absolutely necessary to act. I decided that I would do something for it and I really loved it. Out of love and dedication, all that I have been doing through all these years, I have been doing it for the lovely Puffin.


Informations complémentaires

Poids 2,150 kg
Dimensions 30 × 28 × 3 cm

Couché moderne mat 170g/m²

Nombre de pages




Emballage produit

Livre sous film

Emballage transport

Emballage cartonné haut résistance, Colissimo

Option retrait gratuit

Retrait en magasin – salon photo

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